Welcome to Truth is now Treason

Do you see what is happening in the world around you and wonder, “What is going on? When did this nonsense become reality?” You are not alone. When truth is false, war is peace, and nothing is what it was two days ago, you can’t help but wonder, “When did I step into the book 1984?”

What is our goal? It is to examine this “Brave New World”, to become aware of how the truth is under attack, and to not stand idly by but rather be a defender of the truth by exposing the lies even if we are labeled traitors. In our section called “Treason Bites” , you will find updates on current events explaining what the lie is and the reason for the deception.

Our second goal is to offer what is in short supply: HOPE. You will find this in our section “Unfiltered Truth.” This is where we offer words of encouragement through our brief podcasts where we will examine the lies presented in society, expose the deception, and abolish fraudulence with the Truth. Through this, we will see that every last tool being used to destroy us is nothing new; in fact, it is really quite old. We were created to be overcomers! Why are we settling for less?

Feeling depressed and fearful is not the way we were meant to be. There is more, tons more. Our objective here is for all of us to see it and act. This will not be a destination of sorts. This will be a journey, and it is one that we are incredibly excited about. Hop on for the ride! If nothing else, I can assure you that you will not be bored.

-Lennox and Deitrich

Lennox and Deitrich

We are a couple who has been married long enough for all of our kids to be gone. This means we are constantly at each other's throats! (JK). We have been blessed in so many ways by Almighty God, that it is undeserved. We love serving our God, and we have a passion to make sure the truth is proclaimed in every way. Yes the names are made up. Why? When someone tries to get you fired because give give a historically accurate picture of slavery in the world, then you learn fast or you are hung for your "crimes." We'd rather learn fast. We try to model this after Winston Churchill and Alexsandr Solzhenitsyn. "The simple step of a courageous individual is not to take part in the lie. One word of truth outweighs the world." - Alexsandr Solzhenitsyn "The truth is incontrovertible. Malice may attack it. Ignorance may deride it, but in the end, there it is. - Winston Churchill - Lennox and Deitrich